Wednesday, December 15, 2010

King of Demons: Chapter 2

-Telling the Family-
Chapter 2

“Where do you think he went, Sara?” Jessica asked panicked. “He could have been killed by demons or he could have killed himself. I don’t know what I’d do without him…” Jessica sobbed.
“Cheer up Jess, he wouldn’t do it. He was just whining. You’re the reason he’s still here, nothing will change that.” Sara reasoned. “My little bro would never do something that stupid, even if he isn’t very bright,” Sara continued. Nate stepped through the blue light once again to find Jessica. He came in just in time to hear Sara’s insult.
“Really Sis, making fun of me when I’m not even here?” Nate retorted.
“Nate!” Jessica yelled running and hugging Nate. She nearly knocked him to the ground.
“Jeez’ careful. Don’t knock me down,” Nate replied hugging her. “I love you….And I have something to tell you. Sara, get Zane. This involves all of you. Technically it involves all three worlds.” Nate said panicked, but stared at the ceiling in thought as Sara fetched Zane. Sara rushed back in with Zane slowly trailing behind.
“Tell us what's going on damn it.” Sara demanded.
“What are you guys talking about?” Zane asked in a muffled tone.
“Father is dead, Sara. Nate announced slightly happy.
“Oh thank god.” Sara replied blatantly.
“Yeah that’s not nearly all.” Nate said. “The old fucker is dead, yeah. But the demons need a new ruler. And so they summoned me,” Nate explained.
“Haha they chose YOU?” Sara scoffed. “My powers are twice as powerful as yours. Plus you’re not the killing type lil’ bro,” Sara laughed.
“Nate, there’s no way you can accept. I mean, Sara’s right. You couldn’t kill, could you?” Jessica asked trying to talk him out of it.
“Guys, they said the world would fall out of order. If I don’t, angels will fall, humans will die and demons will go rogue and annihilate all good. I have to be the one to keep order,” Nate tried to explain. “I want you all to come with me. Live with me in the underworld, we’ll live as royalty, gain demonic influence, make the rules and live as the Royal Exilus Family. Zane you shall take command should I die; Sara you shall live as you please, kill as you please. And Jessica… Will you be my Queen?” Nate said gazing lovingly into Jessica’s eyes.
“Why do you want me to rule?” Zane interrupted.
“If I die, I want a good, noble and worldly man to take my place, and to protect Jessica and Sara. You are the only man for the job,” Nate replied.
“Sexist,” Sara interjected.
“Anyways,” Jessica interrupted to answer Nate’s original question. “Yes Nate I will be your Queen,” she replied.
“I love you so much,” Nate said, kissing Jessica. The love he felt for her burned greater than the molten core of the underworld. He would give up his life to protect her. Nate was in fact breaking an oath he had made to himself; he swore never to follow in his father’s footsteps. Nate was crossing his own boundaries to protect her. He hated it, but he knew she was worth it.
“Yeah, well we have to be there by sunset and its winter… The sun will be down in about two hours,” Nate said looking at his silver watch with a blue band. “Get all your stuff and be here by 6:00. I’ll be waiting for you all. We’ve got serious packing to do,” Nate said, walking out of the room without another word; he was trying to gather his thoughts to prepare for the days ahead.

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